Hi, I’m Renee.

I’m a certified holistic health coach, yoga and meditation instructor and wellness enthusiast.

I received a Bachelors degree from the University of Loyola in New Orleans and graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN).

Each day I continue writing a new chapter in this story. I spent 10 years climbing the corporate ladder in Dallas working for an international French hotel company. I learned so much about business and leadership but struggled with adrenal burn-out, chronic stress and trying to raise two babies simultaneously. While I may have looked healthy from the outside, I had extremely poor gut health due to long term antibiotic use, cystic acne (resulting from poor gut health), kidney stones, and cycled through periods of disordered eating.

In 2016 my family and I were given the opportunity to relocate to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and we jumped at the chance. I quit my job and took a few years off from work to stay at home with my children. It wasn’t necessarily an easy transition, going from Managing Director to stay-at-home Mom in small town Mississippi. I felt lost and struggled with finding my purpose. I also started experiencing chronic pain in my feet and ankles, depressive feelings and crippling anxiety.

Slowly, the path began to be illuminated to me. I saw that I had a beautiful opportunity to really dive deep into my yoga training, cooking and spirituality. I developed this burning desire to get healthy from the inside-out and take my health into my own hands. With the right nutrition, mind-set and tools I was able to slowly heal my body and my gut and began the journey of learning to love myself again.

My purpose with Yoga Wellness is simple: to equip & empower people with the tools they need to be in the drivers seat of their own health. I want to share my knowledge and gifts with others to help them on their wellness journey. Our gifts are purposely created not just for ourselves but to help those around us.

I am a huge believer in the power of meditation and how the practice of sitting quietly with ourselves and connecting with our breath can shift everything. I studied under world-renowned meditation teachers, Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield and love exploring meditation with students and clients as an additional wellness tool. Meditation can be intimidating to people; that’s why I start with mini meditations that can be integrated into spare moments throughout the day. I can teach anyone how to meditate anywhere!

Ultimately, we are each bio-individual, meaning that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to health and nutrition. As the saying goes, “one person’s food is another’s poison.” What worked for you yesterday may not work for you tomorrow and so on. I’m here to help you explore and discover your unique version of optimal health, allowing you to thrive and reach your goals on your wellness journey.

Mom to Eli (12 years) and Layla (10 years)

Husband Andy